Rainy Day Bag

Posted by Beng on Wednesday, June 09, 2010 0 comments
*image from Getty Images
The rainy season has finally begun and I need start gearing up for it.  And I don't just mean remembering to bring an umbrella.

First order of business: pack the "rainy day" bag.

Okay so I'm probably one of the most paranoid people you will ever know.  (I can see my sister almost losing her head from nodding over this tiny factoid)  When the rain starts to pour or if I see that there is little chance the sun will show it's pretty self, I make sure that my rainy day bag is in the car.

This bag has the following items:

1) change of clothes just in case i need to crash somewhere.  This would mean PJs, clothes for the following day, undies,etc.  And because I am paranoid, i sometimes bring clothes good for two days.  :D

2) toiletries - just in case i need to crash somewhere that does not provide shampoo or soap.

3) a small towel

4) socks just in case it's cold

*Looks at the list* I think i shall add a small blanket.  :D

One of my mottoes in life:  The paranoid survives. :P

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