For me, there are two simple ways to be eco-friendly in our daily lives: refuse plastic (bottles and bags) and bringing your own reusable water container and ecobags.
Usually, when my husband and I go grocery shopping we accumulate minimum of twenty plastic bags in assorted sizes (think of the little plastic bags they put butter in, and another one for soaps, then the ones for meats and poultry - it all adds up!). Since 2007, we've made it a habit to bring ecobags (minimum of three, maximum of ten) with us wherever we go, and I feel that we've at least reduced the amount of plastic in landfills even by a very very small percent.
If we can, we also avoid buying drinks in plastic bottles. I hope you can do the same.
Incidentally, my husband found this interesting short film. I hope it helps in lessening our bottled water and plastic consumption.
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